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Halogen - Exractable Organic (EOX)

Category Environmental Chemistry Lab Services
Test Halogen - Exractable Organic (EOX)


This method is to be used for the determination of total extractable organic halides (EOX) as Cl- in solids. EOX is defined as the sum of those organic halides which are extracted and detected by pyrolysis/microcoulometry under the conditions specified in this method. Extractable organic halides containing chlorine, bromine, or iodine are detected. However, fluorine containing species are not detected by this method.


This method has been evaluated for solid wastes, soils, and suspended solids isolated from industrial wastewater.


This method is recommended for use in the concentration range from the MDL up to 1000 x MDL (see Section 9.1).


This method is restricted to use by, or under the supervision of, analysts experienced in the operation of a pyrolysis microcoulometer and in the interpretation of the results.


Since this method does not identify individual components, it is advisable that compound specific techniques be employed to determine the individual components present in samples exhibiting significant EOX levels, unless the nature of the sample is already known.



A 1-gram aliquot of solid sample is extracted with ethyl acetate by sonification to isolate organic halides. A 25 ìL aliquot of the extract is either injected or delivered by boat inlet into a pyrolysis furnace using a stream of CO2/O2 (or appropriate alternate gas mixture) and the hydrogen halide (HX) pyrolysis product is determined by microcoulometric titration.

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