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Halogen - Total Organic (TOX)

Category Environmental Chemistry Lab Services
Test Halogen - Total Organic (TOX)


Method 9020 determines Total Organic Halides (TOX) as chloride in drinking water and ground waters. The method uses carbon adsorption with a microcoulometric-titration detector.

Method 9020 detects all organic halides containing chlorine, bromine, and iodine that are adsorbed by granular activated carbon under the conditions of the method. Fluorine-containing species are not determined by this method.


Method 9020 is applicable to samples whose inorganic-halide concentration does not exceed the organic-halide concentration by more than 20,000 times.

Method 9020 does not measure TOX of compounds adsorbed to undissolved solids.

Method 9020 is restricted to use by, or under the supervision of, analysts experienced in the operation of a pyrolysis/microcoulometer and in the interpretation of the results.

This method is provided as a recommended procedure. It may be used as a reference for comparing the suitability of other methods thought to be appropriate for measurement of TOX (i.e., by comparison of sensitivity, accuracy, and precision of data).



A sample of water that has been protected against the loss of volatiles by the elimination of headspace in the sampling container, and that is free of undissolved solids, is passed through a column containing 40 mg of activated carbon. The column is washed to remove any trapped inorganic halides and is then combusted to convert the adsorbed organohalides to HX, which is trapped and titrated electrolytically using a microcoulometric detector.

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