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Lead Testing Laboratory

Category Press Release
Publish Date 9/12/2018
Author Paul Cochrane
Title California’s Attorney General Files Lawsuits Against Two Companies for Elevated Lead Levels in Toddler Formulas
Introduction LA Testing provides analytical services, sampling supplies and test kits to identify lead hazards from foods, liquids, air, paint, dust and soil samples.

Huntington Beach, CA, September 12th, 2018

In June, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced that he and the District Attorneys from Alameda, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Orange, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Solano and Sonoma Counties had taken action against two companies after elevated levels of lead were discovered in the companies’ toddler formulas.

Cease and desist letters and a lawsuit was filed against the two companies that make and sell the toddler formula. According to information from the Attorney General’s office, testing conducted by the California Department of Justice on the two formulas revealed that these products cause lead exposure between 13 and 15 times the maximum allowable dose level under California law without an adequate Proposition 65 warning. Both formulas also exceeded the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Provisional Total Tolerable Intake daily levels for children under six.

Attorney General Becerra alleges that the two companies have violated California’s Unfair Competition Law, False Advertising Law and Proposition 65, the state law that requires clear and reasonable warnings prior to exposing individuals to harmful chemicals. 

“Young children with their rapidly growing bodies are one of the most vulnerable groups to exposure to elevated lead levels,” said Michael Chapman, Laboratory Manager at LA Testing’s Huntington Beach facility. “Most parents recognize that old lead-based paints are a threat to their children, but almost none would think their toddler formula could be a lead hazard. At LA Testing, we offer comprehensive lead testing services for everything from food and water to paints, soil, dust and other matrices. These tests are available to manufacturers, retailers, regulators, health professionals and concerned individuals.”

LA Testing has also sponsored an educational video about possible signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in children that can be seen at:

To learn more about lead or other product and environmental testing services, please visit, email or call (800) 755-1794.  For access to lead and other easy-to-use indoor environmental quality (IEQ) test kits, visit

About LA Testing
LA Testing is California’s leading laboratory for indoor air quality testing of asbestos, mold, lead, VOCs, formaldehyde, soot, char, ash and smoke damage, particulates and other chemicals.  In addition, LA Testing offers a full range of air sampling and investigative equipment to professionals and the general public. LA Testing maintains an extensive list of accreditations including: AIHA LAP LLC., AIHA ELLAP, AIHA EMLAP and AIHA IHLAP, CDC Elite, NVLAP, State of California, State of Hawaii Department of Health and other states.  LA Testing, along with the EMSL Analytical, Inc. network, has multiple laboratories throughout California including South Pasadena, Huntington Beach, San Leandro and San Diego.

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